Countless adults are in your same position. Seemingly out of nowhere, you start to get a striking or burning pain in your legs. Looking down, you notice some veins making their way to the surface of your skin, veins that hadn’t been visible previously. Sure, varicose veins are an eyesore — but could those veins be the cause of your pain?

We’re vein specialists in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, and in our many years of experience, we’ve heard every question under the sun about vein pain. Why do my veins hurt? How do I stop my veins from hurting? Is there anything I can do to prevent my veins from hurting in the future? The list goes on and on.

In this post, we’re going to detail why yes, in fact, veins can cause pain, tell you how to deal with that pain, and give you some ways to prevent vein pain in the future.

Why Do My Veins Hurt?

First, it should be noted that having pain in your leg veins is, unfortunately, a fairly common experience. Leg vein pain has a wide range of causes, most of which are of no cause for major concern. For example, vein pain can come about owing to muscle strain. However, when it comes to long-term pain, the most common reasons why your leg veins are in pain are due to poor circulation and pressure from varicose veins. Varicose veins themselves can lead to a number of problems, including muscle cramps, a heavy feeling in the legs, burning sensations, swelling, and more.

More severe cases are possible; vein pain can occasionally stem from thrombophlebitis, which occurs when veins swell due to a blood clot. If the pain is persistent and/or paired with symptoms like bleeding, chest pain, troubled breathing, or sudden, striking pain, seek medical attention immediately.

How Do I Stop Vein Pain?

There are several ways to stop your veins from hurting. First, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. This will not only relieve pain, but also hopefully reduce the swelling and bring extended relief. For additional short-term relief, you can elevate your legs and apply warm compresses. Your doctor may also prescribe higher strength pain-killers or blood thinners depending on the specifics of your case. 

If you want to make a long-term life change that will lower the likelihood of future pain, you can try losing weight and adding more exercise into your daily routine. Excess weight puts strain on your veins and legs, and over time, this can lead to problems. Shedding those excess pounds will do a world of work to reduce pain, both in the short and long term. Adding exercise has similar benefits; by getting your blood moving, you are reducing your likelihood of developing vein issues like varicose veins or other vein pain. Even minor changes, such as adding 15 minutes of walking to your day or opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator, can make a considerable difference.

However, the only true lasting solution for vein pain is vein treatment.

What Does Vein Treatment Look Like?

Thankfully, getting your veins treated today is a completely different experience than it was a generation ago. While vein treatments of the previous area may have been defined by lasting pain and long procedure times, contemporary treatments are relatively painless, and most recipients of modern treatments can return to work on the same day.

On our site, we detail the many forms of treatment we use to tackle vein issues. Everyone’s vein problems are different, so when you reach out to us, we will work with you to find the ideal treatment for your specific situation.

If you are interested in vein treatments, get in contact with us today using the contact page on our website. We will talk you through your options and get an appointment scheduled to resolve your issues at your earliest convenience.